Taking advantage of the teeing ground:
The teeing ground is the unique area on the golf course which the player has a choice where to tee the ball and control the tee height. Let’s use this opportunity to our advantage.
Teeing Ground: Rectangle area two club lengths in depth. A ball is outside the teeing ground when all of it is outside the teeing ground. Remember it is ok to place your feet outside the teeing ground as long as your ball is within the teeing ground.
Most players find the middle of the tee box and swing away! This is not necessarily a bad thing but you might not be maximizing your chances to hitting the fairway or the green. Here are a few simple techniques to help get you started to understanding the best position on the tee box to match your game.
Players who fade or slice the ball have a ball flight pattern that moves from left to right. If you have this type of ball flight the right side of the tee box would match your ball flight. This will give you a much better angle to your intended target. From the right side of the box you will have a much easier time aiming down the left side of the fairway allowing your natural ball flight to work itself back to the middle of the fairway.
Players who draw or hook the ball have a ball flight pattern that moves from right to left. If you have this type of ball flight the left side of the tee box would match your ball flight. This will give you a much better angle to your intended target. From The left side of the box you will have a much easier time aiming down the right side of the fairway allowing your natural ball flight to work itself back to the middle of the fairway.
On par 3’s you can take advantage of your tee height. Most players tee their irons too low on par 3’s. You might try teeing your ball a little higher than normal and try to sweep it off the tee. This will take the ground out of play giving you more confidence to make solid contact and a better chance to get the ball in the air. Tee it high and let it fly!
The Lesson Tee……..
By Director of Instruction, Andy Scott School of Golf
Until next time………see you on the lesson tee.
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